Monday 12 August 2013

Life Education Trust Visit

Last week we were lucky to have the Life Education Bus visit us at school. Kanuka went to the mobile classroom twice to visit Pip and Harold where we learnt about healthy eating. The focus of this visit was to eat a VARIETY of food to give us ENERGY. We looked at the food pyramid and talked about foods we should eat ALOT, SOME, and a LITTLE amount of. 
We then helped Harold write a shopping list for his friend Jacko's party and designed a healthy lunch box. 
We packed a lot of learning into our two sessions and still managed to sing, dance, AND watch a 3D movie. We can't wait for Harold to visit us again next year!

Excited and ready to get inside the mobile classroom.
On the phone to Harold helping him write a healthy shopping list.
Look at the food pyramid we made ... 
... and the healthy lunch box!

Food pyramid in Harold's classroom. 

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