Friday 12 July 2013

Police Visit

On Tuesday we were lucky to have ANOTHER local hero visit us at school! Tania a police woman from Balclutha came to visit us and told us all about how she became a police officer and what she does to help people. 
Here are our photos ...

Tania talking to the Kowhai and Kanuka classes. 

We had lots of questions to ask about being in the police

A police vest is very heavy!! 

There are lots of things attached to a police vest, like pepper spray, handcuffs, and a torch, 

We got to see the police baton

Elliot got to try on the police vest

Cam got to dress in a police jacket.
Why does the police jacket need to be so bright?

Don't they make great police officers?

Ollie would love to be a police officer when he is older!
He brought along his very own police hat for a photo.

Check out the police car!

We got to hear the sirens go and see the lights flash!

It was very loud!

Thank you for coming to visit us! We loved meeting our local heroes!

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