Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Big Book - Mice in the Kitchen

Yah Miss Grant has worked out how to upload videos!

Here is a video of the wonderful readers in Kanuka reading our Big Book. 'Mice in the Kitchen' by Jill Eggelton. 

Our Big Book is one of our favourite parts of the day. We have a new big book each week that we read daily with a different purpose. 

Monday - Comprehension.
This is when we read the story and answer questions about the text. Who the characters are? Where the setting of the story is? We also talk about problems and solutions in the story. 

Tuesday - WOW words. 
We search for interesting words and talk about what they mean. Sometimes we even brainstorm other words that mean the same thing. We have a WOW words chart in our class-room and we try and use these words during our writing. 

Wednesday - Fluency and Phrasing. 
This is when we talk about full stops, commas, speech marks, ellipses, bold writing etc. And what all these mean for us when we are reading. 

Thursday - Phonological patterns. 
On a Thursday we look at the words in the story and look at different spelling and sound patterns. Sometimes we might look at rhyming words or word families, blends, digraphs, or word endings.

Friday - Response to text. 
On a Friday we respond to the story we are reading. We do this differently each week through art, writing, drama, or oral language. 


  1. Hi Holly, can not get the video to play? Thanks Hannah

  2. Is anybody else having trouble playing the video? Holly
