Friday, 5 July 2013

Ukelele Lessons

Here are three of Kanuka's very talented class members who are learning the ukelele with Mrs Hunter on Wednesday during their lunch time. I went along on Wednesday to hear them play and was very impressed! Keep up the great effort Heather, Ben and Sam!


  1. What a great blog! Well done Kanuka Class! from the Lawrences

  2. I enjoy ukulele alot. From Sam

  3. What a great idea your blog is. Well done to everyone. Love Sam's Nana from Luggate

  4. Great Job Sam! We look forward to a performance next time you come and stay! Love the groovy green Ukelele! Keep strumming... Aunty Julie, Uncle Phil and Jed

  5. Madi says she would love to learn to play the ukulele! Well done you three, I hear you were fantastic at the concert. Hope we get to hear you play in assembly - Madis Mum

  6. The children did so amazing at the concert. I was so proud of the children. It was a wonderful afternoon and so great to have all the supportive parents and teachers come along. good times:)

    Mrs Pam Hunter
